Monday, February 6, 2012

A Message from HERO CEO Jerry Noyce

Welcome to the first edition of the HERO newsletter, HERO ON HEALTH. This quarterly publication is designed to help keep HERO members informed and connected with HERO activities and to provide a vehicle for members and staff to share thoughts, ideas and learning.   

Each issue will feature an article written by a HERO member on a topic of interest and importance in the world of employee wellness. This first issue features a guest column authored by John Harris, Vice Chair of the HERO Board, and a highly regarded industry expert. We asked John to write a column on the timely and important subject of the use of incentives in a worksite wellness program.
Along with the regular guest column, we will provide an update on HERO research efforts, the latest news related to the HERO Scorecard in collaboration with Mercer, happenings at HERO and a welcome to new members. Periodically, HERO ON HEALTH will spotlight member organizations whose programs successfully utilize employee health management best practices.
Getting back the topic of the use of incentives as a component of a comprehensive wellness program, HERO has been active in engaging a number of our members to serve together on an ad hoc committee,  the HERO Incentives Study Committee. This group has been meeting  monthly to discuss this subject of incentives with the goal of creating a document that represents HERO’s guidance to employers on the appropriate use of incentives. We are engaged in this work now and have created a document outline to guide our work.
In the midst of this effort, we were contacted by representatives from American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, and American Diabetes Association to see if members of these groups could meet with a small group of HERO members that included a cross section of employers, providers and consultants to determine if we can find common ground in our positions on the subject of the appropriate use of financial incentives linked to the employer health plan. The American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine has also been invited to send representatives to this gathering. I am hopeful that this meeting will provide a forum to unite these groups in their positions and provide thoughtful guidance to the employer community on this important subject. Stay tuned for more reports.
For members who plan to attend the HERO Think Tank Roundtable, February 29 through March 1, in Tampa, Fla., the subject of incentives will be a topic at the meeting.
Thanks to all our members for their great work in providing leadership and support to HERO.
Here’s to a healthy 2012,

Jerry Noyce
President and CEO

Industry Voices: John Harris

Incentives and the Employee Health Management Industry

Over the years, the field of employee health management has learned there are a number of virtues and pitfalls to using incentives to encourage people to live healthy lifestyles. The reality is that we still have a lot to learn.

By definition, an incentive is an extrinsic reward that is provided to a person until such time that the value to the recipient is internalized (intrinsic value) and thus, sustained. When it comes to health, many employers use incentives in the hopes that their employees will internalize the need to be healthy and achieve lasting behavior change, which ultimately creates a healthier and more productive work force with lower health care costs.
While there are many incentive approaches being used, what do we really know about the effectiveness at present? First, we know they clearly drive participation in health risk assessments (HRAs), coaching, health promotion classes, and other similar offerings. However, very few studies have shown that incentives actually drive sustainable behavior change, improved health, or cost outcomes. We know that incentives are most successful when they are combined with a work culture that is supportive of employee well-being and when they are part of a wider and effective employee communications strategy. In fact, studies have shown the better the culture and communications effort, the smaller the incentive required to drive higher participation levels. We also know that on average, the value of the incentives provided is going up each year, that the bigger the company the bigger the incentive, and that more incentive programs are being delivered through health insurance premium reductions than any other method. 

So where do we go from here?

HERO Scorecard in Collaboration with Mercer


Every quarter, a HERO member is invited to comment on a particular topic derived from an analysis of the most current HERO Scorecard data. We’re pleased to share the most recent commentary from Jesse Hercules, CEO of Extracon Science. As mid-sized and small employers move rapidly to develop and enhance their employee health management programs, we turned to the Scorecard data to tell us about their experience and success with employee health management.

How much does employer size matter when it comes to employee health management? Specifically, can small employers, with their more limited resources, hope to achieve as much success with employee health management as larger employers? This commentary uses data from the HERO Scorecard to compare large, medium and small employers in their use of employee health management best practices.

For the purposes of this analysis, consider the following baseline data:


Winter Think Tank Roundtable
February 29 - March 1, 2012
Double Tree Hotel, Tampa, Fla.
(This event is for Think Tank Members only. If you are interested in joining the Think Tank, contact Jerry Noyce.)
Featured presentations and discussions:
  • VitalSmarts: Stacy Nelson PhD, Senior Consultant at VitalSmarts He will talk about the Six Sources of Influence Model as outlined in the book Change Anything.
  • Incentive design discussion: Group discussion of three core incentives models (participation-based, progress-based and outcomes-based). Discussion will build on previous Think Tank dialogues and the recent industry commentary on incentives.
  • Legislative update: Tami Simon, JD, Principal at Mercer will share the latest information regarding health care legislation and its impact on employee health management programs.
  • Research update: Discussion of new employee health management research and its relevance to employers.
Think Tank members, please RSVP to Angela Giedd. For hotel reservations, visit the Double Tree Tampa use the group code: HERO.

Learning Series Webinar:
A Strategic Approach to Employee Well-being and Organizational Performance
(Open to the public)
March 21, 2012
1:00 - 2:00 p.m., Central Standard Time
Join us for this free webinar with David W. Ballard, Psy.D., MBA, Assistant Executive Director of the American Psychological Association, and Connie Roy-Czyzowski, SPHR, CCP, Vice President of Human Resources for Northeast Delta Dental. Dr. Ballard and Ms. Roy-Czyzowski will present a comprehensive, systems-based framework for promoting a workplace culture where both employees and the organization thrive. Using the American Psychological Association’s healthy workplace model, participants will examine the key characteristics of a healthy, high-performing organization, with special attention given to the importance of custom tailoring workplace practices to meet the unique needs of an organization and its workforce. Case examples from award-winning Northeast Delta Dental will demonstrate the application of psychologically healthy workplace principles in a real-world setting, with an emphasis on practical considerations and lessons learned.
HERO Research Meeting(HERO members only)
July 19, 2012
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Chicago, IL
Learn more about upcoming research projects and the strategy behind HERO’s research efforts. If you have questions about HERO research or this meeting, contact Bill Whitmer.
Fall Think Tank Roundtable
(HERO Think Tank Members Only)
October 1, 2012
Radisson Plaza Hotel, Minneapolis, Minn.
Agenda and registration information to come.
HERO Forum for Employee Health Management Solutions(Open to the Public)
October 2-4, 2012
Radisson Plaza Hotel, Minneapolis, MN
Watch the HERO website and your e-mail for details and registration information.
Recent HERO news coverage
Finding Success with Progress-Based Health Incentives
Progress-based incentives reward employees for making meaningful progress toward health goals
by Jerry Noyce, HERO President and CEO
Recent additions to the HERO Think Tank Library
Healthy Incentives, by Dr. Michael Parkinson, Senior Medical Director of Health and Productivity, UPMC Health Plan. Read full article (login required).
Association Between Health Assessment-Derived Summary Health Scores and Health Care Costs, by Nicolaas P. Pronk, Ph.D., Marcia Lowry, MS, Michael Maciosek, Ph.D., and Jason Gallagher, MBA. Read full article (login required).


2011 was an extraordinary year for HERO research activities. Five important research projects were completed. The first three projects have been published or accepted for publication in JOEM. They are: “The Impact of Wellness in a Small Business Setting Using Selected Well-Being Indices,” “Evaluation of a Best-Practice Worksite Wellness Program in a Small Business Setting” and “A Review of Corporate Health Culture Knowledge.”

In addition, two more projects, completed in late 2011, have been submitted for publication. The titles of these research papers are: “Presenteeism According to Healthy Behavior, Physical Health and Work Environment” and “Work Performance and Absenteeism According to Work Environment, Health Behaviors and Physical Health.”
The HERO Research Committees, under the direction of David Anderson, have provided insightful input and expertise that has been a major contributing factor to the success of HERO research production.

The Importance of Collaboration
Collaboration between HERO membership organizations and among individuals associated with those organizations has been critical to the success


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