Winter Think Tank Roundtable:
February12 -13, 2013, Westin Airport, Atlanta, GA
(For HERO Members Only)
Featured Discussion Leaders:
Behavior Modification, Dr. Kevin Volpp, VAL Health
Creating a High Performing Workplace, Josh Glynn, Google and Jack Groppel, Prevention & Wellness
Influencing Culture Through Organization Change, John Riedel, Riedel & Associates
Legal and Political Landscape, Tami Simon, Buck Consulting
It is not too late to attend. Please contact the HERO Office (952) 835-4257 if you plan to join us.
To reserve a room visit the Westin Reservation page
Fall Think Tank Roundtable: September 23, 2013, Hilton at Walt Disney World, Lake Buena Vista, FL.
Recent additions to the HERO library:
Conversation with Bill Pierce. Review the slides from this members-only webinar. (Login required)
Become an Organization in Motion: Investigating the Organizational Impact of Strategic Movement throughout the Workday by Jack Groppel PhD and Joe Alexander. Read the full article (login required)
HERO Forum 13 for Employee Health Management Solutions:
September 24- 26, 2013, Hilton at Walt Disney World, Lake Buena Vista, FL
Scorecard News:
The HERO EHM Best Practices Scorecard in Collaboration with Mercer Preferred Provider program, piloted in 2010 and launched in 2011, helps extend the Scorecard's reach. The Scorecard Preferred Provider companies have custom links on their websites through which their clients can enter their Scorecard responses. Those responses are then housed in the Preferred Provider’s module of the Scorecard database, allowing the Preferred Provider to do analysis on the responses of their group along with comparisons with the entire Scorecard database. Preferred Providers through their encouragement to their clients, has helped the HERO Scorecard grow in visibility and in size of its database. The database now exceeds 800 employers with representation from large, midsize and small organizations. The current members of the Scorecard Preferred Providers network are: Alere, Capital BlueCross, HealthyFit, Healthyroads, Kaiser Permanente, Mayo Clinic, Mercer, Noridian Mutual Insurance Company and StayWell Health Management.
Learn more about the Scorecard and Preferred Provider program in the HERO Scorecard 2012 Annual Report.
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