Monday, March 3, 2014


Engagement and value on investment lead discussions at HERO Think Tank

Q:  What do the following statements have in common?
·         “One cannot be prepared for something, while secretly believing it will not happen.”
·         “Sitting is the new smoking.”
·         “Health can’t be something we do; it has to be who we are.”
·         “We’re talking more about opportunities, rather than programs. And it’s not just opportunities at work, but opportunities in all areas of your life.”
·         “Mafia is not an organization. Mafia is state of mind. The same can be said for wellness.”
·         “Just because you’re unique, doesn’t mean you’re useful.”
·         “When employers get involved in health, great things happen.”
A:   They were all key points or memorable moments from the recent HERO Think Tank Roundtable meeting.

More than 120 HERO members convened at the Hilton DFW Lakes Executive Conference Center in Dallas, Texas in February for the winter Think Tank meeting, where the hot topics were consumer engagement, value on investment, and wellness metrics.

Attendees had the benefit of hearing presentations from noted wellness experts and a variety of employers who shared case studies, research findings, and the latest news from HERO member committees. In addition, participants enjoyed a wealth of opportunities to engage in practical and philosophical discussions about the state of the wellness industry, the effects of health reform on workplace wellness, and what the future holds for employee health management.

Updates were provided on HERO research and organizational initiatives, including the launch of the HERO Scorecard v4, the core metrics initiative, the HERO Scorecard Validity study, and HERO’s partnership with the Clinton Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to promote a connection between worksite health and community health.

Other highlights included a consumer engagement case study from Marriott Corporation and Kaiser Permanente, with a spotlight on Marriott’s innovative promotora program and results to date. And, to help keep members informed on the implementation and evolution of the Affordable Care Act legislation, the Think Tank session ended with a special session on navigating the health care waters and how the ACA is affecting workplace wellness now, and what the coming years might hold.

HERO members who were unable to attend the Think Tank can still benefit from a meeting summary and highlights that will be distributed in March and available in the HERO Think Tank Resource Center at To learn more about the Think Tank or for information about the fall Think Tank meeting that takes place in conjunction with the HERO Forum, please contact 

Jerry Noyce

CEO & President

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